Tuesday, December 4, 2007

RSS Feeds - Really Quite Simple!

While I often promote the benefits of RSS feeds to student clients as an ideal way to follow an industry, I must confess that until today I had not embraced the concept!

I was surprised at how simple the process was - in only a short time I established feeds from colleague blogs across McMaster's campus, Career Services at the U of Arizona and Student Affairs within NC State! I am excited to learn how others in the field of education are using Web 2.0 technologies to enhance service delivery ... and now have the means to follow on a regular basis.

My epathways are expanding!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Embracing the future from a pre-2.0 world

My first post ... I must confess this has taken longer than I would like to admit! This is not surprising given the following facts:
  • I still keep my yellow pages handy and look forward to a shiny new version each year
  • I have a facebook account (curiosity killed the cat) and while I will embrace this professionally I intend never to put it to personal use
  • When editing my blog I had never heard of the term 'pop out' - in my pre-2.0 world this is something you do when you go to the store for milk
  • And lastly ... I will show my family this post tonight and they will be impressed!
Despite all of this I look forward to the coming weeks; to identifying how technology can enhance the service we provide students each day. Let the ride on my ePathway begin!